Two Journals, One Journey: How Writing Helped Me Heal20240909123646

Two Journals, One Journey: How Writing Helped Me Heal

When I was navigating my treatment, I kept two very different journals. One was public—shared with family, friends, and even strangers who stumbled upon my blog. The other was a private sanctuary, whe...
Yes, they’re fake …20231017081836

Yes, they’re fake …

"... Yes they’re fake, because the real ones tried to kill me ... " We’ve all seen the t-shirt quote, and sure it’s funny. I’ve been heard to joke about the fact that I’ll have the perkiest tits in...
Are you keeping emotionally fit?20220204122210

Are you keeping emotionally fit?

"... physical activity helps reduce stress, depression and anxiety ... " It's not a myth put out by gyms to make you sign up, it's a proven fact. By participating in physical activity - and I'm not...
2021 Year in Review20211226081042

2021 Year in Review

2021 started out as a year full of hope and promise. COVID may have been lurking in the background, but here in Western Australia we were living the high life. The racing calendar was full, and there ...
Helping out for a great cause20210819144915

Helping out for a great cause

It was Breast Cancer Awareness month, race season was getting dangerously close, and still there seemed so much left to do to get the Hellcat Mercedes up and racing. And then D&C Auto Glass stepped in...
Cash 4 Containers | Therapy On Wheels | Cancer Awareness & Support20210314104050

Cash 4 Containers | Therapy On Wheels | Cancer Awareness & Support

Recycling your containers is a great way to help the environment, but recycling them and donating the proceeds helps us to families deal with the stress and anxiety of a cancer diagnosis and treatment...
Our Story20210222111756

Our Story

There isn't a show or event that goes by with someone asking, "what made you do this", and "why did you choose this car"? But to tell the story properly, we probably need to go back to the beginning ....
Who we help20210205222431

Who we help

Every cancer diagnosis is unique, every journey is different, every family dynamic varies, but everyone feels anxious, scared, stressed and worried throughout their journey. Whether it’s your journey,...
Breast Cancer goes from 0-150mph in under 9 seconds20200705204715

Breast Cancer goes from 0-150mph in under 9 seconds

‘Don’t Wait for the Green Light’ is Andy’s sometimes humorous but highly emotional new book about her fight to get back on the race track.Perth, Western Australia, July 2020: Andy Kahle turned her blo...
Racing with Lymphedema20200226114212

Racing with Lymphedema

Every name has a story behind it, whether it's why your parents chose your name, or in this case how a very iconic car brand was born. Mercedes has been a well known female name for centuries, especi...